Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today I got a call from Buy Buy Baby...

Apparently it is getting close to Olivia's 6 month milestone and we should make an appointment to get her pictures taken.  I know that from time to time we will get these call and maybe someday it won't bother me so much but today it really sucked.  I was unprepared and quickly answered my phone wondering who the heck would call me on my cell in the middle of the day.  I didn't say anything... I just hung up and when they called back I let it go to voicemail. 

I feel bad for just hanging up but I truly didn't know what to say.  "I am sorry but you are mistaken... my baby died when she was 4 months and one day old.  We won't need to schedule a 6 month appointment"  No, that doesn't seem right.  To tell the story of Olivia to someone who was just making a routine sales call just seems mean.  I can hear the sorrow in a person's voice when I tell them about her.

So... I know that someday I will know how to answer these calls.  Someday I won't hurt so bad when I hear the sorrow in someone else's voice when I tell them about Olivia.  Someday, I will find a way to  tell my new friends, co-workers, and acquaintances about my first born. 

But, until then, until I am ready, I won't be answering "unknown" calls anymore.

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