Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thursday- February 17

I woke up late on Thursday, February 17.  Olivia had slept in but she was up all night.  No big deal that she slept in.  I didn't spend much time with her that morning.  I was running late and so I didn't feed her before we left.  I took her to daycare and went to work.  I had no idea how drastically my life was going to change that day.

Work sucked that day.  I was really tired and crabby.  I skipped Zumba and joked with my co-workers that I felt like a little kid skipping school.  Nick picked up Olivia at day care and got home about 10 minutes before me.  When I walked in he asked if Olivia was breathing so heavy in the morning.  I looked at her and decided to take her temperature.  When I grabbed her from him and laid her down there was no life in her.  She was like a limp noodle and she was breathing really heavy.  I didn't even take her temp.  I told Nick we were taking her to urgent care.  We left for Janesville at 6:00.  On the way there I told Nick I was scared.  What if she was really sick? 

Urgent care was a busy that night so we waited about 30 minutes to see the doctor.  We held her and although she coughed a bit she smiled too.  When we saw the doctor he said that she was too sick and he didn't know what he could do for her.  They called the ambulance.  You would think that this would have scared me.  It didn't.  I held her on the way to the hospital.  I was happy to see that with the oxygen mask on she was perking up.  Nick followed the ambulance and joked with driver about running red lights.

In the ER they tried to get blood but her veins were just too small.  The doctor told us that they were trying to get a flight to take her to the children's hospital in Madison but it was too foggy.  They said they would figure out what was wrong and get her stable and then try to get her to Madison by ambulance.  Even then, I wasn't too concerned.  They drilled into her leg to get the blood.  Her temperature was going up still and I knew that might cause a seizure.  She was in my lap the entire time that they worked on her until her body went stiff and they said she was having a seizure.  It was 9:05.  They took us out of the room to a small room down the hall.  I called my mom and told them what was going on.  Nick and I still didn't know.  We didn't talk but we didn't cry either.  The nurse came back in to get us.  As we walked back to the room she told us what we were going to see.

I will never forget the next 15 minutes.  The doctors were pumping a bag breathing for her and giving her chest compressions.  The minute I walked in the room I knew she was gone.  I was so afraid they were going to ask us if we wanted to let her go or keep her on a machine.  They didn't and for that I am grateful.  I know what I would have said but I am glad that I didn't have to say it. They pushed some more drugs and did all they could but we knew.

At 9:35 they turned off the machines and stopped the chest compressions.  The room was really quite and my little girl was gone.

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